The number of seats available for Boys is 60 in Boys Hostel and for Girls is 60 only in Girls Hostel. In view of the limited seats, the allotment shall be made on the basis of the Guidelines provided by the Govt.
01. Application for Hostels shall be received simultaneously at the time of receiving application for College admission.
02. Hostel admission process shall be completed as per Academic Calendar prepared by Rajiv Gandhi University.
03. Hostel seats for Girls as well as Boys shall be allotted to the students of Second and Fifth Semesters only.
04. To obtain a seat, a student must have secured minimum 50% Marks in the immediate lower examination.
05. The selection shall be made purely on merit basis for the entire session.
06. In no case, seat allotted to a student can be transferred to another student.
07. The boarders are required to maintain strict discipline and abide by the rules of the hostels as prescribed by the College authority from time to time. Every boarder shall have to submit an Undertaking to the effect prescribed by the college Authority.
Hostellers should follow Hostel Rules and Regulations strictly